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Illinois ACEs Response Collaborative

Findings fro m the Illinois ACEs Response Collaborative’s National Environmental Scan

In 2016, the Illinois ACEs Response Collaborative conducted an Environmental Scan of programs addressing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and trauma in multiple sectors. The Scan yielded information from 339 local, state, national and international programs. This paper identifies successful ACE-related policies, programs, and models utilized by these programs highlighting the essential elements and characteristics needed to foster effective interventions .

Tags: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES),
Adverse Childhood Experiences: Understanding Health Risks Across Generations in Illinois and Chicago

In 2013, the Illinois ACEs Response Collaborative successfully petitioned the Illinois Department of Public Health to include an ACE module in the State’s Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)—a CDC-developed survey that collects information on health risk behaviors, chronic diseases, use of preventive health practices, and health access. Our report presents findings from the 2013 BRFSS and examines the prevalence of ACEs among adults in Illinois and Chicago, including assessing racial/ethnic and gender differences, and the association of ACEs with negative health outcomes.

Tags: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES),
2019 Trauma-Informed Chicago Summit Summary Report

Tags: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES),