Championing Health Equity in Illinois

Health & Medicine builds power and momentum for social justice and health equity in Illinois. Through rigorous research, education, outreach, and policy advocacy, we:

Generate Knowledge

Conduct research to understand health inequities and inform policy and systems change.

Spread Awareness

Conduct training to strengthen the next generation of public health professionals and a well-informed community.

Build Alliances

Work alongside diverse groups to build the movement for equitable health policies and practices.

Shape the Future

Write and influence policy development to ensure health equity is embedded. 

Drive Change

Organize the health sector to collaborate and build power with communities to make a tangible impact on health equity.

Pioneer Solutions

Incubate and scale innovative approaches to address the root causes of health inequities

Building Power for Health Justice

2024 Health and Medicine Awards Gala

Join us as we celebrate the winners of the 2024 Health & Medicine Awards.

Thursday, September 12, 6–9 p.m.
Ignite Glass Studios
401 N. Armour Street, Chicago, IL 60642

Space is limited. Learn more about Sponsorship Opportunites.