Health & Medicine Launches Our Annual Winter Friends Fundraising Campaign

During this season of giving, Health & Medicine asks friends and collaborators to consider making a gift to support our work building a more compassionate, diverse public health workforce.

New and increased donations to our winter fundraising campaign will be matched by a challenge grant, doubling each gift’s impact.

Donate today to help us reach our winter fundraising goal and continue our critical work advancing health equity.

Highlights of our accomplishments this year include:

  • Publishing a statewide Action Plan to Address Childhood Adversity in Illinois for mitigating trauma’s lasting effects on children’s health, through our Illinois ACEs Response Collaborative
  • Researching and laying out paths to expanding the Universal Newborn Support System (UNSS) model in Illinois
  • Joining the Stop General Iron campaign to fight environmental racism on the Southeast Side
  • Launching Illinois Aging Together, an unprecedented campaign for aging equity in Illinois
  • Developing strategies for a more diverse and broad health care workforce through the Public Health Workforce Collaborative and our Chicago Area Health Education Center
  • Reaching more than 3,700 individuals through our Schweitzer Fellows’ direct service projects
  • Leading an initiative that led to the passage of legislation to expand freestanding birth centers to the South side of Chicago
  • Convening three-part Forum series on international, national, and state and local lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic