Health & Medicine Policy Research Group seeks a skilled Instructional Designer to create engaging and accessible visualizations for 19 public health career pathways. This project will support our Health Career Pathways Resource (CPR), a tool designed to increase awareness and access to health...
A quiet revolution is taking place in the heart of Chicago, where the pandemic’s effects still echo through communities on the South and West sides. Among the cohort of graduates from Chicago Volunteer Doulas’ 100 Doulas Rising program, a new battalion of birth workers is stepping...
Across the nation, states are beginning to develop multisector plans for aging to improve service coordination across state agencies and sectors to address the major demographic shifts that are happening as our society ages. Illinois Aging Together, which has rallied 188 organizational supporters,...
ILLINOIS (August 14, 2024) — Illinois Aging Together, a campaign for aging equity led by Health & Medicine Policy Research Group, celebrates Illinois Governor Pritzker’s executive order to establish a planning commission for a multi-sector plan for aging. Across the nation, states are...
Health & Medicine is pleased to announce our 2024 award winners! These Chicago-area leaders exemplify the Health & Medicine mission to build power and momentum for social justice and health equity in Illinois. Help us celebrate the public health champions in our community! Join us for the...
Interested in joining Illinois Aging Together, a statewide movement for aging equity? Join Ali Medina, Health and Aging Organizer, on Monday, June 24 from 1 – 1:30 p.m. for an overview of the campaign and ways to get involved. Register here.