The time has never been better for exploration of the possibilities for expanding the Universal Newborn Support System (UNSS) model in Illinois. A group of early childhood and maternal and child health advocates, supported by Health & Medicine, McAlpine Consulting for Growth, and Conlon Public...
Using the 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Survey to Highlight Connections Between Childhood Experiences and Outcomes Among Chicago Public High School Students YRBS-Brief-FINAL-August-2021
Launched in July 2020, the Statewide Working Group, convened by the Collaborative, engaged in a 10-month strategic planning process to develop a coordinated statewide response for mitigating trauma’s lasting effects on children’s health and well-being and to promote healing and thriving at every...
This resource guide is designed to provide you with tools and strategies to establish and grow a Trauma-Informed Workgroup at your organization. It also includes resources on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), trauma, and trauma-informed care to share with each other and your organization as a...
In 2017, Health & Medicine Policy Research Group’s Illinois ACEs Response Collaborative (the Collaborative), the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH), and the Alliance for Health Equity (AHE) partnered to establish the Trauma-Informed Working Group (the Working Group) of the AHE, a group...
This review assesses the current landscape of state-level legislation to understand how childhood adversity is currently addressed in policies, focusing on state-level legislation across the country that incorporated ACEs, trauma, and trauma-informed care. We hope this scan will be the first step...
Contact tracing positions will provide an opportunity to improve equity in our state if hiring is prioritized to those most impacted by COVID 19 including formerly incarcerated persons, people from geographically hardest hit neighborhoods, people of color, people with disabilities and those who...
These policy recommendations are not exhaustive but rather present the beginning of a roadmap for Illinois to formally re-value a role that represents an essential provider role in COVID-19 response and in improving overall community health. Policy-to-Advance-CHWs-in-Illinois-2
Illinois will need to hire thousands of contact tracers to effectively contain COVID-19. Community Heath Workers are essential front-line public health workers with established, trusted relationships within their communities. It makes sense to hire CHWs to work through public health departments...
This paper will provide an overview of trauma and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), as well as how opioid misuse is both associated with past trauma in the home and community and correlated with increased risk of future poor health and social outcomes. It will also provide practical strategies...