Site icon Health & Medicine Policy Research Group

Health & Medicine Announces 2021 Policy and Governance Priorities

Download the 2021 Policy and Governance Priorities here!

Health & Medicine’s policy priorities advance our core values and mission of health equity through research, education, advocacy, and collaborative action.

We support communities by seeking redress of root causes of health inequities, focusing on policy, governance, and practice changes at the structural level. Our work is grounded in the knowledge that structural racism, class injustice, and other forms of oppression are the fundamental causes of health inequities, which are the unjust, remediable differences in health status and outcomes across different populations and communities. Policies and systems that shape the distribution of money, power, and resources stratify access to the social determinants of health—the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age. We use equity, human rights, and trauma-informed frameworks to advocate for progressive change. We seek to advance equity in areas such as housing, environmental and economic justice, and education which enhance wellbeing, and contribute to growing national movements for social justice and health equity.

Based in Chicago, we are an independent public health think tank committed to resisting and responding to reactionary and discriminatory local, regional, statewide, and federal policies and actions that have vast negative impacts on communities throughout Illinois and the nation.

This year’s policy agenda is informed by our history and current work, and importantly the experience of COVID-19 in Illinois.

Economic Justice

Public Health & Healthcare

Health Workforce

Thriving & Equitable Communities

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