Site icon Health & Medicine Policy Research Group

Health & Medicine Testifies in Support of Fully Funded Public Hospital and Health System

On Tuesday, August 29th, Health & Medicine Executive Director Margie Schaps testified before the Cook County Health and Hospitals System with regards to their proposed 2018 budget.

Good evening, and thank you for the opportunity to provide testimony on the proposed 2018 health system budget. I’m Margie Schaps, the Executive Director of the Health and Medicine Policy Research Group, a policy, research and advocacy organization founded by Quentin Young in 1981 to create policies and systems that support the public’s health.

Between Quentin and myself, I daresay it’s likely that not a year has gone by since 1981 that we haven’t testified on the health system budget and the strategic direction of the system.

Health and Medicine has been steadfast in our commitment to a strong, vibrant and fully funded public hospital and health system that serves all in need in our County.

I want to applaud the system for the many accomplishments over the last year, increasing mental health and substance use services, movement toward integration of primary care and behavioral health, a more extensive care coordination program including the deployment of community health workers, being awarded one of the state’s new MCO contracts, expanding oral health services, beginning to address social determinants of health through the new transportation program, housing initiatives and farmers markets, and aggressively beginning to pursue being a welcoming institution for all.

As threats at the federal level mount to unravel the ACA, undermine basic civil liberties and destroy funding and services for all, but particularly the most marginalized, this health system bears and extra burden to lift up the community and support equity in whatever ways it can.

With that in mind, I urge the health system to:

Thank you very much for the opportunity to address this body. Health and Medicine stands ready, as always, to partner with CCHHS in the difficult tasks that will advance health equity.

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