Health & Medicine Announces 2022 Policy Agenda for Health Equity in Illinois

On Monday, January 31st, Health & Medicine released our 2022 Policy Agenda for Health Equity in Illinois.

Each year, Health & Medicine’s policy priorities shift to adjust to the most pressing public health equity issues that we feel we are best equipped to address, yet one thing remains constant: our commitment to align these priorities with our core values and mission of health equity through research, education, advocacy, and collaborative action. This year’s policy agenda is informed by our history and current work and continues to build on changes made in 2021 based on the impact of COVID-19 in Illinois and the light this pandemic shed on longstanding health inequities within the state.

Policy change plays an essential role in advancing health equity in Illinois. This agenda lays out Health & Medicine’s top priorities for policy change in 2022. We are committed to standing up for social justice and human rights, promoting health justice via policy change in aging and long-term care, health reform, health workforce, public health equity, and trauma-informed care and systems. Central to reducing and eliminating health inequities is speaking and acting up for human rights and against systems of oppression.

Interested in supporting our agenda? Contact Margie Schaps, Executive Director, mschaps@hmprg or Wesley Epplin, Policy Director,