The Healing-Centered Illinois Task Force, established by SB 646 in January 2024, has released its comprehensive recommendations report, offering a blueprint for advancing trauma-informed and healing-centered policies and practices across the state. The Illinois ACEs Response Collaborative at...
December 2, 2021 Testimony by Policy Director Wesley Epplin on behalf of Health & Medicine Policy Research Group and the Collaborative for Health Equity Cook County at the #StopGeneralIron campaign press conference. 12.2.21.DenyThePermit.-HMPRG.CHE-Testimony-1
In 2016, Health & Medicine initiated a research project to explore the impacts, unintended consequences, and unfinished work of health reform—broadly defined—from the perspective of representatives of Cook County’s health care safety net through interviews and focus groups with people working...
The Cook County Department of Public Health’s current community health improvement plan lists structural racism as a ‘fundamental cause of health inequity, associated with imbalances in political power throughout society. It functions to normalize and legitimize cultural, institutional, and...
On Wednesday, December 12th, 2018, Health & Medicine held a town hall meeting, Creating a Healthy Equity Agenda for Chicago’s Elections, part of our Chicago Forum for Justice in Health Policy series. Attendees were asked to identify overarching problems within their sectors and discuss their...
This study extends previous research examining the impact of the Affordable Care Act and state Medicaid expansion on the safety net. The paper analyzes how the current political context is impacting the safety net sector while also examining overall adaptations to health reform, understanding its...
This policy and practice review of national work examines how the safety net can use this time of health reform opportunity to shift toward addressing social determinants of health, structural determinants of health inequities, and ultimately health equity....
Health & Medicine’s Center for Long-Term Care Reform responds to the Rauner Administration’s plans for a major Medicaid managed care “re-boot.” This Critical Issues Policy Brief raises three questions for the Medicaid managed care re-boot and calls on State policy makers to work with...
In late 2016, Health & Medicine completed new research on the Cook County Safety Net in partnership with Loyola and others to capture how state and federal health reform efforts have impacted Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), free and charitable clinics (FCCs), and hospitals in Cook...
In order to advance health equity, people need access to high quality, equitable education, well-paid and safe jobs, affordable housing, and freedom from discrimination and violence, among other important issues. As such, our legislative tracking is broader than most that focus solely on mental...